Photo: Christian Lindh / SCANPIX
Lund municipality, already an Infracontrol Online user for parking guidance, will now go ahead and supplement the service with functions for fault reporting and case handling within technical administration. Citizens gain the ability to submit comments in a simple way while the municipality and external contractors keep their cases under full control.
Katarina Granstedt, Public Information Officer and Business Development Manager at Lund municipality’s technical administration sees major opportunities:
“We needed simple, flexible support for case management in our technical administration. Now we have access to an easy-to-use service that is there for citizens, our own personnel and external operators alike.”
Infracontrol Online in more applications
Lund is one of many municipalities already connected to Infracontrol Online. Lund has been using the service for parking guidance in the central parts of the city since 2009. Now it’s adding functions for case handling in its technical administration departments.
“The Traffic Department and the Parks and Nature Office will also be using the service now,” says Håkan Lockby, who heads the traffic department and is acting Technical Manager for the municipality. “These are operations under constant development and change so we feel being able to influence future functions and have the ability to adapt the service is important.”
A web form with a map function will be built into the municipality’s website. This will give citizens access to a straightforward means of submitting observations and reporting faults around the clock. The simple, easy-to-use case management makes it easy for the municipality and contractors to manage cases well.
The many possibilities of a flexible web service
It’s not just managing cases in real time that’s important, according to Katarina Granstedt, Public Information Officer and Business Development Manager at Lund municipality’s technical administration:
“Important factors when selecting the service were the ability to trace individual case histories – i.e. who did what and when – and the easy generation of good statistics for various case types, case handlers and handling times.”
Another important factor was mobility – the ability to handle cases out in the field using smartphones without regard to manufacturers and operating systems. Independence from technical systems is something we consider important for the future. We have also been careful to safeguard scalability both as regards the number of fields of application and included functions.
The municipality places great emphasis on accessibility, something which is of course a statutory obligation for every municipality and public authority. In this case, the form for reporting faults and submitting observations has been optimized to enable use by everyone including users with various types of disabilities and different requirements for technical aids.
About Infracontrol Online
Infracontrol Online is a unique web-based service where alarms, fault reports and observations are collated into simple, easy-to-read cases. The service is also used to manage the overall control of technical functions within a community’s infrastructure such as street lighting and parking information.
Infracontrol Online provides everyday benefits by assuring quality, simplifying operations and maintenance work, reducing energy consumption and by the simple expedient of making sure the right person gets the right information at the right time. Today the service is used for many different applications by e.g. the Swedish Transport Administration, Swedish Airports, Oslo Tramways and a number of Swedish cities, towns and municipalities.
Infracontrol Online requires no software or hardware investments; all you need to use the service is a normal web browser or a smartphone.
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