Foto: Niklas Maupoix
Göteborgs Trafiklednings– och informationsenhet (TLI) is the municipal traffic control unit that guides bus and tram traffic in Göteborg. This is the heart of operations, whose task is to ensure that all passengers have access to secure, safe and well-functioning public transportation around the clock. Infracontrol simplifies everyday life for traffic controllers by gathering important information and presenting it visually on a simple and clear general map.
– Before, we had to get information from several different sources. This takes time and can be difficult and that’s not good considering the important task that we have, says Leif Klintbäck, acting head of the traffic control unit at TLI. With the new dynamic map, everyone gets a consolidated overview of current conditions and they can quickly make the right decision in different situations.
Busy traffic management centre
Göteborgs Trafiklednings- och informationsenhet (TLI) is the municipal traffic control unit that guides bus and tram traffic in Göteborg. This is the heart of operations, whose task is to ensure that all passengers have access to secure, safe and well-functioning public transportation around the clock. There are a number of experienced traffic controllers at TLI who coordinate traffic and resolve disruptions quickly and smoothly but they also receive alarm information for other contractors and organizations.
They now have a new tool at their disposal to ensure that traffic flows as smoothly as it should. After contacting Infracontrol, who has gained experience from e.g., the Swedish Road Administration’s traffic control center, traffic controllers can now see information about all track-based facilities, power supply and snow removal on a clear and simple general map.
Focus on the users
As with all of Infracontrol’s projects, this one has been conducted according to a special method called Infracontrol Usability Model, where all activities are for the purpose of achieving the best possible usability. Using on-site interviews and studies from the outset to identify the users, their needs and their prerequisites, we know which functions are required. We then choose a suitable technical solution and design the functions according to the actual need. This is all done in close collaboration with the users.
– Turning to Infracontrol for help was quite an obvious choice, says Leif Klintbäck. At this point, we’ve been working with them for more than 15 years so we know what they can do. What we’ve appreciated most over the years is their genuine interest and consideration for everyone working here. They have a true desire to simplify things, they study our needs and then they make sure that we get technical tools that we can rely on.
About Infracontrol
Infracontrol was founded in 1993 as an independent system integrator, specializing in infrastructure IT. Since then, and in collaboration with our customers, we have created an ever-more Intelligent Infrastructure ™ that makes life easier for us all. Our customers are primarily public procurers for the state and municipalities. Today, the company has annual sales of around SEK 50 million, employs 25 people and has offices in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Oslo.
We help society function better by means of more user-friendly, useful and smarter IT solutions. We make sure technology is here to help people and not vice versa – as is so often the case – through our special focus on usefulness and utility.
The result is user-friendly support systems that lead to increased safety, reduced energy consumption, improved working environment and better utilization of investments.
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