So you also want to make a difference?

Working here is more than just a job. We’re passionate about our mission –
making everyday life simpler.

We’re people first, technicians second. We think technical solutions are just a means to an end – useful functions and satisfied users.

We want work to be fun, every day! It’s an attitude that makes everything simpler and everyone much happier.
Maybe not every day is a best-ever experience; sometimes a deluge of problems can make everything seem difficult. But we take care of each other, lend each other a hand and make sure everyone is happy at work.

There are around the same number of women as men at Infracontrol. This is so unusual in our industry that it makes us unique. Not just because we have a greater proportion of clever, capable women but because it also means a more dynamic, creative, inspired and lively company culture.

We could write reams about why this is one of the best workplaces around, but when you get here you’ll understand why. And you’ll also get our special manual, which includes our values and our Ten Commandments.

A Few of our Ten Commandments … perhaps the most important.

Thou shalt remain positive

Negative thinking is not for us. We see the positive in every situation. We see obstacles as opportunities. It ain’t what we do it’s the way that we do it what counts. We always show humanity and respect for each other and anyone else we come in contact with. It makes us winners and the prize is success.

Thou shalt create the greatest possible benefit

Because we strive to create the greatest possible benefit from the work we do, we always help the customer find the right solution for the problems they face. We always go the extra mile without being asked and we let our know-how, creativity and consideration create better conditions so customers can realize their visions and achieve their goals.

Thou shalt spread the joy

We want work to be fun and we want it to show. A positive attitude makes every day happier for ourselves, our colleagues and everyone else we come into contact with. Each of us must contribute to a pleasant, open atmosphere and show consideration by not exposing those around us to a temporary bout of ill humor without an explanation.

Would you like to join our team?

We need people to help us create a more intelligent infrastructure that makes everyday life simpler. If you know you have something we need, go right ahead and send us an application in the form of a personal letter and your résumé.

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